Activity Notifications
“The relevant commissioner is responsible for approving EVERY single activity you do, for all sections (including regular meetings in your HQ), but this approval can be delegated or via an informal system.”
In Pentland responsibility for approval is delegated to the GSL/DESC/DSNC:
Group Scout Leaders are responsible for authorising all activities that take place in sections in their Group. As such Group Scouts Leaders will need to see and consider every section’s programme.
The District Explorer Scout Commissioner is responsible for authorising all activities that take place in Explorer Scout Units in the District. As such the District Explorer Scout Commissioner will need to see and consider every Unit’s programme.
If, in any instance, a Group Scout Leader or the District Explorer Scout Commissioner is unsure whether to authorise a particular activity, they must discuss it with the District Commissioner.
We don’t want to separately approve every activity that every section does every week! To strike a balance between managing the risks and reducing the paperwork, the GSls/DESC/DC will give approval to any activity they have been notified of that meets the following criteria:
It is not adventurous or is not listed in the Activities Index. Basically, if you think your activity might be adventurous, it probably is.
It takes place within mainland Lothians, Fife, Greater Glasgow, and Borders.
The person leading the activity has a current full appointment as a Leader or Assistant Leader in Pentland.
The person leading the activity has informed, their Group Scout Leader or Explorer/Network Commissioner of the proposed activity.
Local considerations
The Pentland Hills. A number of hills exceed 500m, and the southern end of the hill range is not within ready access of a road so are not covered as Terrain zero. Be aware that there is an army live firing range at Castlelaw. Observe red flags and other restrictions while on MOD land.
Cramond Island, Bass Rock, and any other offshore island. All visits are notifiable, and must carry a written risk assessment. Tide times are here.
Fireworks. No events involving fireworks are permitted to be organised. Attendance at external, professionally managed events is permitted.