Finance on District events
Managing Finance Of District Led Events
All events should aim to be Cost Neutral. Where an event has a surplus of £5.00 per head or more the District must return the overpayment to the Scout Group or Explorer Unit. The Scout Group Executive or Explorer Leader Team decide if they will refund to the participants or keep the surplus for future section events.
Where the amount is less than £5.00 per head the surplus is added to the relevant District Section Fund (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Explorers) for use at the next appropriate District led Event or for the ADC to utilise as he/she sees appropriate.
All events have a “Cut off’ date where numbers attending and payments to the District Treasurer are required. Sections that do not make payment in time may forfeit attending the event. Late payment can be notified to the District Treasurer by e mail to avoid this action. Direct payment to the District Account can also be made with an accompanying e mail to explain the payment.